
How long does shipping take?

We ship vis USPS which can take 3-7 business days to deliver once we ship your package. 

Rugs are shipped via UPS, which can take 3-7 business days to deliver once shipped. 

Orders outside of the United States may take weeks to months to deliver. 


How long does it take for my order to process?

Once we receive your order, it will ship within 1-2 weeks. 


I need to change the address on my order, what do I do?

You can email us at with your name, order number, and correct address. If your order has already shipped, changes cannot be made. Please reach out with address changes ASAP.


Do you charge for VAT, import fees, etc?

No, but you may have to pay VAT, import fees etc depending on your country once your package arrives at its destinated country.


What if my order is marked as "returned to sender"?

If your order was returned to us and the shipping address was correct, then we'll reship it to you at no extra cost. If the shipping address was incorrect, you will be charged a shipping fee to re-ship your order.